Have Bad Credit? You Have Options

Bad Credit? You Have Options.

Applying for natural gas service is a bit like applying for a loan. You are asking the gas company to let you use their gas for a month before paying for it. Therefore they use your credit score to judge how sure they can be that you will pay your bill on time. A good, high score, gives them confidence that they will receive prompt payment for their service. A poor, low score, makes them wary of your ability to make timely payments.

The most used credit rating is the FICO score, furnished by one of three rating services:

  • Equifax
  • Experian
  • TransUnion

    These FICO scores range from 300 to 850, with higher numbers being better. Most people score in the 600s and 700s. Since each rating service may receive different information on your individual finances, each service may provide a different credit score. You may request a free report of your credit rating from each service every twelve months.

  • AnnualCreditReport.com is a secure site for consumers to request these free scores.

    Fee based reports may be obtained from:

  • myFICO.com

    If you have questions about FICO and your own credit history and scores, visit Your Credit Scores at the Federal Information Center.

    Additional information can be gained by checking out Five Ways to Boost Your Credit Score by CNNMoney.com

    If you have reason to believe that your credit history and scores put you in a questionable position to obtain natural gas service from natural gas companies in Georgia, you can use these sources, and others to research information and help to obtain these services.

    If you have been turned down by a natural gas provider you may go to SCANA Energy's Regulated Division's web site to find additional options to obtain natural gas service.