Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Natural Gas Bill

We all want to lower our natural gas bills, save money and use it for the more enjoyable things in life, like family, travel, dining out, and entertainment. Below are 5 easy ways to drop your natural gas use and save a few bucks.

If you have gas appliances such as a water heater, furnace or pool heater, gas stove or gas oven in your home, you can:

  1. Get a water heater jacket insulator
      • 12-25% of your gas bill can be due to heating water alone
      • Turn the water heat down to 120 degrees

  2. Get a your heater checked out annually.
      • Check out our HVAC Checklist

  3. Chnage your HVAC air filters every month
      • From a safety perspective, alone, old heating units can vent carbon monoxide into your home. It's worth spending the money to find a company that can inspect and diagnose your HVAC system if necessary.

  4. Get a programmable thermostat
      • Buy a Nest or other smart/learning thermostat
        • Saves energy
        • Senses when your home
        • Recognizes your usage patterns
        • Remote Access

  5. Run Your Dishwasher at full capacity Full dishwashers are efficient dishwashers. The less you run them the more money goes in your pocket.

HVAC Inspection Check List

Inspect the vent system for blockage and/or leakage.
Analyze combustion gases to match the unit specifications.
The blower housing needs to be checked to make sure it makes a tight seal at the furnace.
Inspect the fresh air intakes for blockage.
Inspect the heat exchanger for rust and corrosion.
Inspect the burners for proper ignition, burner flame, and flame sense.
Inspect the drainage system for blockage and/or leakage.
Check the blower for debris and clean if necessary.
Conduct an amp-draw test on the blower motor and compare it to the manufacturer's spec.
Inspect wiring for corrosion and damage.

Water Heater Insulation Kit