Can I Still Shop Cheap Natural Gas Plans?
Warning all Atlanta customers! The shoulder month bonanza of cheap natural gas plans is all but over! And, with warmer temperatures forecast across the region this Summer, you need to make sure you’re getting the best bang possible for your hard-earned buck. A 12 month plan with a cheap fixed rate is a great solution. It’ll protect you against weather-driven price spikes; moreover, it’ll make you savings right through Spring 2022. Plus, the great news is you’re not too late – if you act now! There are still a few ‘golden goose’ plans out there for Atlanta customers. So let’s get hunting!
Gas South Rates
The BridgePlan 12 Month from Gas South offers customers with little to no credit rating both an energy contract and a road map to better savings. But you’ll have to spend a year on their pricey 1.19 dollar per therm rate. The $150 early termination fee is standard, although the $6.95-$9.95 monthly recurring charge could get pricey. So it’s a fine option – but only if it’s your only option.
The Fixed 12 Month plan is their other offer. At 55 cents per therm it comes with a great rate, and $150 for early termination is nothing to balk at. But the $6.95-$9.95 monthly recurring charge could sting a little, if you’re at the top end.
SCANA Energy’s 12 Month Fixed with $50 in bill credits plan offers a 55.9 cents per therm rate, $6.95 monthly recurring charge, and $150 for early termination. Whilst these are all pretty good, hold on! Because you can do better on prices across the board.
Constellation Rates
Constellation offers two plans, the 12 Month Home Natural Gas Plan and the 12 Month + Water Heater Protection. Both are 12 month fixed rate natural gas plans, offering a 47 cents per therm rate – the cheapest on offer! The $150 early termination and $7.95 monthly recurring charge, common to both, is good too. And Constellation offers its 90 day risk free guarantee for both. But which to pick? Seems a no brainer – the 12 Month + Water Heater Protection plan throws in a year of water heater coverage (valued at $71) for free! Just check in advance that your heater’s compatible with the offer.
Georgia Natural Gas® Rates
Second cheapest is the 49.9 cents per therm rate from the Georgia Natural Gas® 12-Month Fixed plan. The monthly charge runs between $5.99 and $8.99, so could get pricey. But early termination is $100 in the first six months, and only $50 in the the second – this is a good deal either way. Plus, not only will they credit you up to $150 to cover exit fees from your current provider, they’re also our customers’ top-rated provider!
Snap up Best Natural Gas Plans in GA Now!
We’d recommend Constellation’s 12 Month + Water Heater Protection, both for its bargain rate and its on-the-house protection. For a similarly cheap rate from a popular company, try the Georgia Natural Gas® 12-Month Fixed. The cherry on the cake is that both offer flexibility, in providing the chance for cheap early termination. So swoop in now at www.georgiagassavings and snap up the best 12 month Atlanta natural gas plans!