Why You Should Read Your Gas Supplier’s Terms of Service

Natural gas providers in Georgia spell out what you can expect in their terms of service. Learn why understanding them could save you a whole lot of money.

Know the Terms of Your Gas Plan

Terms of service spell out what you can expect from your natural gas supplier in Georgia. That can include fees and deadlines that you need to understand.
Learn what’s usually in the terms of service with your natural gas supplier in Georgia. Find out why it’s important to read them before you sign up.

I understand what it’s like to see a cheap natural gas rate and just take it at face value. But in my experience, you never know if a natural gas plan is truly a good fit if you don’t first read the supplier’s terms of service. In fact, a plan with a higher rate could be the best option due to other conditions of the contract. Because of natural gas deregulation, you have several choices for suppliers in Georgia. So, be sure you’re making the best decision by reading your gas supplier’s terms of service before you sign up.

Check Terms of Service For Cancellation Fees

Cancellation fees fees can be rather high. So, it’s good to know ahead of time what you might pay if you ever need to cancel your plan. For example, Georgia Natural Gas® charges a different fee depending on when you cancel. For some 12-month plans, the provider charges a $100 ETF in the first six months and a $50 ETF in the second six months. So, if you have to cancel, waiting a few days could potentially save you fifty bucks!

Look For Deposits

The Public Service Commission caps deposits for residential natural gas customers at $150. Although many providers charge the full amount, you can find plans without a deposit. This can be a huge relief for customers with credit problems or who need to keep that extra money in their pockets.

Look out for Late Payment Fees

How a provider handles late payments is also clearly laid out in the terms of service. The supplier Scana Energy even has a policy for customers with two bounced checks within 12 months. Everyone who’s dealing with inflation right has to make some tough choices. So knowing about these kind of costs ahead of time will help you make better decisions.

Watch for Renewal Notices

Each provider has their own unique process for dealing with the end of a contract term. In the terms of service, you’ll see what will happen and when. This can be particularly important because many providers automatically enroll customers into their standard variable rate plan at the end of a fixed-rate contract. So as your plan winds down, remember to watch the mail for the renewal notice. Then, decide what you’ll do next. The rates on variable plans tend to be much more expensive than fixed rates. Avoid variable rate enrollment by paying attention to this part of the terms!

Terms of Service Help You Choose

Comparing natural gas providers by their terms of service can help you find the best plan for your needs. When two plans seem similar, you might learn that one is a far better fit. Maybe you’re looking for the flexibility of a plan with no cancellation fee. Or possibly you want to avoid a deposit at all costs. Reading the terms of service is the best way to make an informed decision.

Comparing plans and providers is easy when everything is all in one place. That’s what you get when you use Georgia Gas Savings. Visit us today at https://www.georgiagassavings.com.

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