Should I Shop No Contract Gas Now?

Gas rates could fall during the Spring shoulder months and that's the best time to shop fixed rate plans. Find out if no contract gas plans could help you save.

Is No Contract Gas Right for Me?

Find out if no contract gas plans could help you save you money. Gas rates could fall during the Spring shoulder months and that's the best time to shop fixed rate plans.
Gas rates could fall during the Spring shoulder months.So why gamble on a fixed rate plan in the very short term? Find out how no contract gas plans could help you save right now.

Spring shoulder months are approaching and rates could fall. So Metro Atlanta shoppers are facing a dilemma! Do you lock in no contract gas until then, and risk rate hikes? Or do you keep things predictable with a fixed plan, which will guarantee you a hefty exit fee when you decide to switch in spring? 

Well, a no contract plan is a gamble – but the odds might actually be in your favor. Say you switch on April 1st. This means you’ve got two months to fill, and for February these plans will mostly offer you a juicy intro rate. It’ll get steep after that – but for one month only.

So let’s run some figures. The average monthly therm usage for a Georgia household is 69 therms (717 ÷ 12). But it’s winter, so let’s up that to 75. Using this figure, let’s see how you might fare on the no contract gas plans available to you. 

Compare No Contract Gas Options in Metro-Atlanta

First up: the BridgePlan Variable from Gas South. The $1.69 per therm rate comes with a $6.95 to $9.95 monthly charge (we’ll use $6.95 for the calculations). After one month they’ll roll you onto their variable rate, which is currently $1.59 per therm. So let’s see this in action.

75 therms x $1.69 per therm = $126.75
$126.75 therm cost + $6.95 monthly charge = $133.70

75 therms x $1.59 per therm = $119.25
$119.25 therm cost + $6.95 monthly charge = $126.20

Total: $133.70 for February + $126.20 for March = $259.90 until April

Honestly, as a best case scenario it’s no steal.

Save More With A Lower Gas Rate

So let’s move onto another Gas South plan: the Acquisition Variable. This one month plan offers a 99 cents per therm rate, with a $6.95 to $9.95 monthly charge (again, we’ll use the lower bound). Plus, you could get up to $20 in bill credits! After that, you’ll again be rolled onto Gas South’s $1.59 per therm variable rate. 

75 therms x 99 cents per therm = $74.25
$74.25 therm cost + $6.95 monthly charge – $20 bill credits = $61.20

75 therms x $1.59 per therm = $119.25
$119.25 therm cost + $6.95 monthly charge = $126.20

Total: $61.20 for February +  $126.20 for March = $187.40 until April

Not too shabby! But there’s more.

Compare This Low Priced Introductory Rate

The Introductory Variable Rate from Scana clocks in at 49.9 cents per therm, with a $5.95 monthly charge. They’ll roll you onto their variable rate after this one month plan, but it’s hard to find. So let’s calculate using their December 2021 variable rate, which was $1.66 per therm.

75 therms x 49.9 cents per therm = $37.43
$37.43 therm cost + $5.95 monthly charge = $43.38

75 therms x $1.66 per therm = $124.50
$124.50 therm cost + $5.95 monthly charge = $130.45

Total: $43.38 for February + $130.45 for March =$173.83 until April

Lock in your Temporary Gas Plan Now!

To be sure, these are very, very tentative state of costs you’d face using a no contract gas plan to carry you through ‘til the shoulder months. Now, March prices could hike substantially if variable rates increase. But always bear in mind that you’ll be saving yourself from hefty exit fees.

So, if you’re asking yourself should I shop no contract gas now? Well, these short term solutions ain’t a bad bet to roll the dice on because you will likely save money versus exits fees. Check out your no contract and fixed rate options now, at

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