Who Has the Cheapest 24-Month Plan in Augusta, GA?

Protect your family from spiking natual gas prices with Augusta’s best 24 month fixed rate plan.
Shop for the best long term rate plan in Augusta and protect your family from future natural gas price spikes!

What’s the Cheapest 24-Month Natural Gas Plan in Augusta, GA?

We know our readers are on the lookout for the best natural gas prices, and we’re always watching out for the cheapest deals for them. A good way to save money on your monthly gas bill is to lock in a long-term fixed rate energy deal, and the Constellation 24-Month Metro Home Plan is the cheapest deal when you compare Augusta natural gas rates.

Is this Augusta’s cheapest natural gas?

Residents of Augusta are within the Atlanta Gas & Light service area, which allows them to choose between several different energy suppliers. Amongst these, Constellation’s 24-Month Metro Home Plan offers the lowest cost-per-therm. At a rock-bottom rate of just $0.389 per unit, households will cut back on their monthly natural gas costs.

How much will I save on natural gas?

The Constellation 24-Month Metro Home Plan offers the cheapest cost-per-therm rate on the market. This means that the more natural gas you use, the more money you’ll save – ideal for large homes. Because this natural gas rate is fixed for 24 months, you’ll also benefit from this low price for the next 2 years. Locking in a low price now gives you peace of mind, and lets you turn up the heat over winter without worrying.

Are there any additional costs?

In Augusta, natural gas suppliers charge customers a regular service fee each month. The amount varies from provider to provider, with some charging almost $10/month. The Constellation 24-Month Metro Home Plan comes with a service fee of just $5.95 per month. Though some competing providers offer similar priced service fees, their per-therm costs are much higher!

What if I want to find a new natural gas provider?

If you’re searching for the best price for natural gas, you’ll want to know you’re always getting the cheapest deal possible. Signing up to a 24-month fixed rate plan means you’ll need to pay an early termination fee if you want to switch natural gas suppliers before 24 months is up. With Constellation, this fee is $150. However, bear in mind that the market-leading rate of the Constellation 24-Month Metro Home Plan means you probably won’t want to switch, anyway. If you’re looking for more flexibility in your natural gas supplier, you might be better off checking out short-term fixed rate natural gas deals in Georgia instead.

What happens when the plan expires?

Before your 24-month gas plan expires, Constellation will attempt to contact you. If they receive no response, they will either place you on their variable rate plan or renew your 24-month contract. If your contract is renewed, you will have 90 days to cancel the plan fee-free. Constellation are currently the top-rated supplier on our site, so you can rest assured that they provide top-quality service as well as the lowest natural gas prices in Augusta.

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